“What’s the story behind the moose?”
Funny you should ask.
When I started working with MoTiS architecture firm, I told Jacob (who also helped design the incredible Robin Room) that I wanted something eye catching and awesome on the south wall of our space.
At the time, I had no clue what it would be.
He joked it would be awesome to have a moose there.
I joked with him.
Without me knowing, he added a moosehead into the drawings.

At that time, I was only looking at layout and square footage; we weren’t getting into decor details yet.
So we moved forward with submitting the plans to ULI, to Carlson Construction, to the city of Madison, to friends and family – all with a moosehead in it and without me knowing it was there.
Then, in showing the plans to my step-father-in-law, Dave, he said it was awesome that we were putting a moosehead in the space and wondered where we were getting it.
“Wait. What?”
To my surprise, what started as a joke became a reality.
Turned out that Dave had a moosehead from hunting in Canada that he offered to us as a gift.

After a first attempt to bring it to the bar (it wouldn’t fit in their SUV), they loaded it into a trailer and we got it mounted in the space.
Now Marvin watches the bar at all hours and even landed himself on our crowlers (32oz cans for to-go beer from draft)!
I can say without a doubt that this bar would not be as safe, comfortable or cozy without the presence of Marvin, and we hope you feel the same.
*Marvin approved this post.